Meet our new Perth Podiatrist, Dong Joseph

We’re excited to introduce a new staff member and podiatrist to the team at ArchRite Podiatry in 2020!

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Dong Joseph graduated with a Bachelor of Podiatric Medicine from the University of Western Australia in 2012. Dong has worked in a variety of settings including private practice and as a community podiatrist. His experience working in such a broad setting allows him to provide top quality care to patients of all ages and backgrounds.

Dong is quick to build relationships and enjoys getting to know his patients, both of which help him provide a holistic, patient-focused level of care. His passion for his profession and participation in continuing professional development activities allows him to provide optimal results for his patients.

He has a particular interest in sport shoes (being a bit of a 'sneakerhead') and derives satisfaction in treating ingrown toenails. With the evolving world of technology, Dong is keen to learn how future of podiatry will be shaped through digital technologies (such as through 3D-scanning and printing, robotics and improved communications).

IIn his spare time, Dong enjoys being active, where you might find him riding his bike along the Swan River and participating in functional group training. In his downtime, he cannot resist watching a show or movie on Netflix as well.

If you would like to see Dong for a friendly consultation on your podiatry concerns, please call our clinic on 9249 6988 or book online.

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